September 1st, 2011

Dear Friends and Alumni of USC,

On behalf of the AUSCI's committee, we would like to wish everyone who observes Ramadhan:

Time indeed flies, and we will soon be wrapping up the third quarter of 2011. The month of September is a BUSY one for AUSCI, as we have MANY things coming up:

  1. "Trojan Talks Series" (a joint event with UC Berkeley alumni club)
    4-6pm, Tuesday, 20 September 2011.
    Venue: @america, Pacific Place Jakarta, 3rd floor
    Topic: SOCIAL e-MEDIA! “Are you there?”

    Featuring the following esteemed panelist (alphabetical order): Daniel Tumiwa of, Donald Wihardja of (winner of e-entrepreneurship award in Bali last month), Martin Hartono of GDP Ventures, and another senior panel member soon-to-be-confirmed

    Following the event on Social e-Media, AUSCI, together with BNI and GlobeAsia, will host our BIGGEST event ever!

    There are quite a few Trojans who are in leadership positions of various Indonesian businesses and a dozen of them will get together to talk about:

  2. The inaugural AUSCI Leaders Forum
    The Indonesian Story 2012 and beyond"
    12:00-17:00. September 28th, 2011.
    Ritz Carlton, Pacific Place, Jakarta
    Rp.300.000 EARLY BIRD, OR, Rp.650.000 At the Door. (100% donated to CerdasBang! program)

    Half-day seminar, covering 3 (three) main topics on Indonesia: investment climate, entrepreneurship and sustainability, and the growing middle class, and the outlook for 2012 and beyond.

    Each INTERACTIVE session will be MODERATED by SK Zainuddin, the CHIEF EDITOR of GlobeAsia. (info and registration)

    There's an EARLY BIRD price for above seminar, which will end on September 14th. To REGISTER ONLINE, please go to: or RSVP through IRASH 08988-8888-94 ( or MILA 0817-4916-282 (

  1. And...drumroll.. Starting this month of September, BNI, Indonesia's 4th largest bank, will start to issue AUSCI's very own Visa platinum card

    This is the FIRST such credit card issued by an Indonesian Bank, BNI, for an alumni association of a US University! In other words, BNI chose, and believed, in the power of the USC network in Indonesia! Trojans, let's show our gratitude to BNI by signing up for this exclusive card!

    As much as I am delighted about having the AUSCI BNI Visa card finally in existence, I am more excited about the BEST FEATURES of the card:

    • 0.3% of every charge made with this Card, goes straight to our Cerdas Bang! "build-50-libraries-by-2015" program ( We, alumni of USC, has built 22 libraries in primary schools of Sidoarjo and Padang. This means we have another 28 libraries to build. With the AUSCI BNI Visa card, YOU can help to build libraries just by signing-up, and using this credit card (at NO extra cost to users)

    • NO Annual Fee for first year

    • The card is OPEN to ALL (For Alumni, under cardholder's name will read "USC Alumni." For Friends, under cardholder's name will read "Friend of USC"). Please encourage your friends/spouse/associates to apply, and HELP BUILD LIBRARIES for children of Indonesia

    • BNI's card is perhaps one of the fastest rising credit-cards in Indonesia, and this means, they have plenty of DISCOUNTS and DEALS waiting for YOU

    • There will be specific discounts ONLY for the AUSCI-BNI Visa Card (work in progress). If you are a merchant and reading this, and would like to partner with AUSCI to bring the alumni and friends' community as customers, please CONTACT US.

    • APPLY NOW at

  2. There will be an Official Launching event for the AUSCI BNI Visa Card, which will coincide with a USC REUNION/Networking event:

    USC Reunion / Networking event
    Launching of AUSCI BNI Visa Card
    17:30-21:00. September 28th, 2011
    Ritz Carlton, Pacific Place, Jakarta
    Featuring: Glenn Fredly and Andien
    LUCKY DRAW: iPad 2 & iPhone 4 (white)
    Rp.100.000 advanced confirmation, OR, Rp.150.000 at the door (100% donated to CerdasBang! program)

Well that's about it…I did say we have a busy September :)

Please.. JOIN US at the two seminars, SIGN UP for the AUSCI-BNI Visa card, and MEET UP at the REUNION! All these events have One Thing in Common = your participation will help build libraries for Indonesian children ☺

Fight On!

Holip Soekawan
Class of 1994

PS: Please check out the LATEST ISSUE (September's) of GlobeAsia magazine. There will be an article or two about AUSCI, and the Trojans' network/activities in Indonesia.

As if September is not busy enough, we already have another event for October:
Trojan Talks Series
featuring: James G. Ellis. Dean, USC Marshall School of Business
10 October 2011. @america, Pacific Place 3rd Floor
RSVP required, to:

Dean Ellis, along with Deans of Indonesia’s business schools, will talk about “the "Globalization of Business Schools.”

Social Media: The New Boomer or Bummer

Click here to register

Globalization of Business School in the Decade Ahead

Click here to register

In This Issue
Social Media: Boomer or Bummer
Globalization of Business School in Decade Ahead

Contact Us

Chase Plaza, Podium 7th floor
Jl. Jenderal Sudirman Kav. 21
Jakarta - 12920
Phone:(62-21)5706388 Ext. 7013