Dear USC Alumni and Friends,

It's that time of the year again.

Time to reflect on the year about to end. Time to welcome yet another new one. And hopefully, time for ALL Trojans to be grateful!

2011 has been a very busy year for AUSCI. Thanks to the hardwork of the AUSCI committee, our Sponsors,and your support, we have hosted many wonderful events, including our Biggest ever, the AUSCI Leaders Forum: "The Indonesian Story 2012 & Beyond," on 28 September at the Ritz Carlton SCBD Jakarta.

The assemblage of the 12-member panel, consisting of Indonesian business leaders, each of whom is 100% USC alumni, spoke volumes of the breadth and depth of Trojans in Indonesia.

If our various events are not enough to show that Trojans are here to stay, then perhaps this would do it:

As of December 2011, AUSCI has amassed 2,75 billion in the form of the AUSCI Endowment Fund, ensuring our foundation's existence permanently. And, perhaps most impressive of all, our CSR Cerdas Bang's effort is set to complete 28 libraries for Indonesian primary school children (12 libraries in Sidoarjo and 10 in Padang completed. Funding secured to huild another 6 in suburbs of Jogja).

This year also marks the birth of the AUSCI-BNI Visa Platinum card, the FIRST credit card in the world that helps build libraries for Indonesian children, through the CerdasBang! program. A percentage of every charge made by cardholders goes to our library-program, at no extra charge to users. The motto for this card is "For a Good Cause at No Cost." Join us! Please note this card is independently issued by AUSCI, and it is not affiliated with USC Los Angeles.

IT IS time to look ahead to 2012, and embrace what may be our best year yet!

With that, I'd like to wish everyone:

Season's Greetings 2011
The Happiest of New Year 2012

Fight On!

Holip Soekawan

twitter @indotrojans

PS: for those tweeting, AUSCI has started a new twitter account: @indotrojans

Please follow us to get latest event updates and Trojan community news. FightOn!

Why do we run?

Vanessa Hendriadi – AUSCI’s “it girl” will make her first debut in a full marathon on 5 Feb 2012 at the Standard Chartered Hong Kong Marathon Run for a Cause (

….” I will be running my first full marathon (yes, every 42.195km of it) to spread awareness and get your participation for the AUSCI’s Cerdas Bang!”

Click here to find out more how you can help.
For V's marathon training update, follow me at twitter @fuvanessa

Keep your eyes and ears open!

2012 LINC - Marshall Learning International Commerce in Indonesia.
May 13-20

The Marshall School of Business has long provided opportunities for our students to learn about the world of global business through short-term trips abroad.

Marshall LINC is unique in that it is the only program of its kind in the US that focuses specifically on exposing first-year business students to business practices outside of the United States.

The program features a 2-unit course centered on International Business and a ten day trip outside the US to meet with executives and political leaders abroad.

Read More:

2012 MISIP - Marshall Indonesia Summer Internship Program.
June-July 2012

About MISIP :

One of the most difficult challenges facing professional programs such as business, communications and cinema, is striking the right balance between practical training and experience and theoretical and "class-room" learning.

Companies actively search for students who are tops in their classes, but who have also "cut their teeth" in the real world, and have actual experience within their field.

The challenge facing those who wish to pursue a career in the international arena is even more problematic as the number of "hands-on" international experiences are few and far between. And, standard university international studies programs only offer students a glimpse of life in another country, as seen through the lens of a visiting student.

Read More:

APPLY for AUSCI-BNI Platinum visa

Click here to find out more

Photo Gallery :

Trojan Talks Series Oct 10th, with Dean James G. Ellis

2011 USC Global Conference in HongKong

Party in SoCAL.. Trojans Rock!

In This Issue :
Why do we run?

Next on MARSHALL - Indonesia :
2012 LINC - Marshall Learning International Commerce in Indonesia
May 13-20

2012 MISIP - Marshall Indonesia Summer Internship Program
June-July 2012

Photo Gallery

Contact Us

Chase Plaza, Podium 7th floor
Jl. Jenderal Sudirman Kav. 21
Jakarta - 12920
Phone:(62-21)5706388 Ext. 7013