Dear Trojans,

Season's Greetings and a Merry New Year!

As we count our blessings throughout 2012, I am pleased to report that we are making forward-strides at AUSCI, through the various efforts of our alumni club. Each and every program has enhanced our mission statement = “AUSCI - The Network of Excellence, for Indonesia and Beyond.”

First and foremost would be our goal to be “THE Network of Excellence.” As our senior alumni Mr. Edwin Soeryadjaja puts it “Network is very important, but you have to use it.”

Leading up to our AUSCI BALL 2012 event, we had the good fortune to interview three inspirational figures:

  • USC alumni Edwin Soeryadjaja (USC ’74)
  • USC parent Minister Mari E. Pangestu (Tourism and Creative Economy)
  • USC friend Minister Dahlan Iskan (State-Owned Enterprises)

To hear wise thoughts from these inspirational figures, please click on the following “AUSCI INTERVIEWS” video clip:
Ausci Interviews

If you believe Hollywood, 2012 was supposed to be the end of the world. As it turns out, 2012 has been the most productive year for AUSCI. All of these made possible by YOU and the TROJAN FAMILY NETWORK of INDONESIA.

Here is 2012, the AUSCI YEAR IN REVIEW:

FEBRUARY 2012 = USC alumnae Vanessa Fu ran her first-ever marathon (42,2 km), at the Standard Chartered Hong Kong marathon. Vanessa ran to raise funds for the AUSCI libraries, and her effort generated 4 additional reading rooms (securing library # 30-34) for our CerdasBang! effort. The biggest prize of all = her boyfriend proposed at the finish line!! Long story short, they got married a couple of months ago. Here is a BIG CONGRATULATIONS to Mrs Vanessa Li!

APRIL 2012 = following in Vanessa's footsteps, I signed up for the first international Marathon in Bali. With the encouragement of donors (if you are reading this, THANK YOU!) who supported this "Marathon Untuk Membaca" effort, I finished the 42,2 km ordeal, and another additional 13 AUSCI libraries (#35-47) were made possible.

Fast forward to December 2012, AUSCI is on track to have completed 45 CerdasBang! libraries in Sidoarjo, Padang, and Sleman. We will EXCEED our goal of 50 libraries by 1st Quarter of 2013, two years EARLY! Thank you Andru Subowo and Vanessa Li, the champions of this CSV (Creating Shared Value) effort of ours!

Just to be clear, AUSCI is NOT a charity organization. We do this library-building effort because Trojans Care. And Trojans Can!

See the expressions of the children we've touched for yourself:
AUSCI Cerdas Bang! Libraries

MAY-JULY = we hosted 14 new-born AMBASSADORS FOR INDONESIA through the 2nd batch of MISIP (Marshall International Summer Internship Program). Special thanks to my friend Suko Sosrodjojo (Vice Chairman of AUSCI Advisory Board) for his remarkable leadership and continuous support in chairing MISIP.

It is important to note that USC's Marshall School chose Indonesia to launch the MISIP pilot project in 2011. Since then, we have hosted a total of 25 GOODWILL AMBASSADORS for INDONESIA. MISIP is an annual internship program for junior and senior students of USC, giving them the opportunity to spend 2 months working, living and learning international culture. All of these students are international (NON Indonesian) students. Marshall's MISIP is one of the school's Globalization initiatives, and Indonesia is a big part of this effort.

We take pride in MISIP, and encourage you (your firms) to participate as MISIP company hosts next year. Please contact us if you'd like more information.

JUNE = Time for another "TROJAN TALKS SERIES," this time featuring Mr. Yozua Makes from Makes and Partners Law Firm, on July 5, 2012 at the @america. We also had the pleasure of welcoming Mr. Jim Carouso from the U.S. Embassy who acted as the moderator. The important topic in this well-attended event was on "Law & Business in Indonesia."

JULY = We hosted our annual USC SCend-off party for the newly admitted students to USC and their parents. This year is special as we welcome Ibu Mari Pangestu to the Trojan Family; her son Arya is attending USC "as we speak."

OCTOBER = The Marshall School again chose AUSCI as their partner, to launch the inaugural "Marshall Pacific Rim Business Forum," in Bali—Oct 18-20. We thank Dr. Drobnick for having confidence in, and choosing, Indonesia as a venue. I am also pleased to update you that the forum was a good one for all involved. Here's a quick look of what transpired:

HIGHLIGHT Reel from USC Marshall Pacific Rim Forum

NOVEMBER = As we neared the end of the year, it was time for some FUN! On November 23rd at the Grand Hyatt Jakarta, we hosted the 2012 AUSCI BALL. Some 300 + Trojans & Friends filled up the ballroom, catching up and having fun as the Trojan Family! This event was made possible, THANKS to the Leadership Team of Erik Setiawan (Ball Chair), Albert Zhu (Co-Chair) and Jennifer Ali (Program Chair), and the entire AUSCI committee.

DECEMBER = a group of alumni had the chance to meet Professor James Ellis, Dean of USC's Marshall School of Business, and the USC Alumni Association's (AA) contingent: Mitchell Lew the president of AA and his wife Deena, and the CEO of AA Scott Mory and his staff Jaimey Weiner. We would like to THANK the USC contingent for making the trip from Los Angeles to Jakarta.

That about caps a BUSY 2012 for us Trojans. As if that's not enough, we are already thinking about the next event for 2013

Fellow Trojans, your wonderful participation and continued support to AUSCI have made it possible for us to make this a great year, and we THANK YOU for that.

Let's continue building on our excellence, and FIGHT ON!

Holip Soekawan

Find anything you like about AUSCI? how about starting to give a care about AUSCI ?

AUSCI Endowment Fund Campaign
Together we will invent tomorrow – read more

MISIP – Marshall International Summer Internship Program

June – July 2013
Interested to become MISIP host ? write to us at

AUSCI – BNI Platinum Card

Free annual fee, tons of card benefits, 0.3 % of your total spend goes to AUSCI library at NO extra cost on you.
Applying the card is now easy and fast! Send us a text : +62 853 1005 4646
Because a Life worth Living is one worth Balancing

Contact Us

Chase Plaza, Podium 7th floor
Jl. Jenderal Sudirman Kav. 21
Jakarta - 12920
Phone: (62-21)5706388 Ext. 7013
Fax: (62-21)5706370