Wishing all Trojans Happy Holidays,
and a Most Blessed Idul Fitri 1435 H
Time flies! It has been a fabulous four years for me serving as President of AUSCI’s Executive Committee. First of all, I would like to convey a set of BIG Thank You’s to each and every one of my committee members: Djoko Labbaika, Albert Amidjaja, Adrianto Hermawi, ArifinTjandra, Bambang Suwarso, Bobby Setyadi, Frans Wijaya, Jefry Hakim, Liem Tau Young, Patricia Susanto, Sigit Pratama, William Gomez, Vanessa Hendriadi, William Sutioso, Yuliana Leony, and Vonny Irawan.
My utmost gratitude also goes to the Chairman of AUSCI’s Board of Advisors Pak Husodo, and to my friend Andru Subowo who has served exceedingly well as the Chairman of AUSCI’s Supervisory Board.
A quick review of AUSCI’s activities from 2010-2014:
- Hosted 17 Trojan Talks Series, with luminary speakers including former US Ambassador Scot Marciel, RhenaldKasali, Faisal Basri, Sandi Uno, and many more.
- 3 AUSCI Charity Balls
- Donated 57 libraries to 57 state high schools (SD Negeri) in Sidoarjo, Padang and Sleman - Yogjakarta.
- Hosted 40 international Interns from the USC Marshall MISIP Internship Program in the past 3 years, thanks to fellow Trojan Suko Sosrodjojo
- Held a joint one-day “AUSCI Leaders Forum, the Indonesia Story, 2012 and Beyond” conference with GLOBE Asia magazine and BNI, in September 2012.
Collectively, WE had brought AUSCI to new heights and I hope everyone join me in applauding the great team work thus far, and my excitement in ushering our alumni club to its next phase of bigger and better future!
One of the featured speakers in the 2012 AUSCI Leaders Forum event was Ms. Anne Patricia Sutanto, an exceptional USC alumna. I would like to take this opportunity to introduce Anne as the new President (July 2014 – June 2016) of the AUSCI Executive Committee. Anne is a Class of 1992 alumnae of the USC Viterbi School of Engineering, and she is the Vice President Director of PT Pan Brothers Tbk (PBRX), a publicly-listed company which has been on the list of Forbes Indonesia “Best Managed Companies” for three years in a row.
In my new role as the Chairman of AUSCI’s Advisory Board for 2014-2016, the board will do our best to assist Anne in helping AUSCI reach new heights.
Last but not least, I would also like to thank AUSCI’s super-able administrator Novita Melani. Many of us in the committee have said, “She’s more of a Trojan than many alumni.” And for that, we salute Novita for her dedicated service thus far to AUSCI and our constituents.
Just like there’s no I in the word TEAM, there is also no I in the word TROJAN.
WE the USC TROJAN Family of Indonesia work best as a TEAM, as we strive to live up to AUSCI’s motto:
“AUSCI – The Network of Excellence, for Indonesia and Beyond”
With that, let’s all continue to embody the 5 qualities of a USC alum, etched onto the Tommy Trojan statue back on campus = faithful, scholarly, skillful, courageous, and ambitious.
Fight On!
Chairman, AUSCI Board of Advisors