{% extends "blog/base_blog.html" %} {% load blog tagging_tags inlines cache pygment_tags oembed_tags i18n tagging_related pygment_tags %} {% block title %}{{ object.title }} | {{ block.super }}{% endblock %} {% block meta %} {% endblock %} {% block body_class %}{{ block.super }} post_detail{% endblock %} {% block body_id %}post_{{ object.id }}{% endblock %} {% comment 'previous and next posts' %} {% block content_title %} {% endblock %} {% endcomment %} {% block content %}
{{ object.publish|date:"M d" }}

{{ object.title }}

{% if object.tease %}

{{ object.tease|safe }}

{% endif %}
{% load text_tags %} {% oembed %} {{ object.body_markup|render_inlines|safe}} {% endoembed %}
{% cache 300 "blog.post_detail.tag_list" object.pk %} {% tags_for_object object as tag_list %} {% if tag_list %}
{% endif %} {% endcache %} {% cache 1800 "blog.post_detail.related_list" object.pk %} {% tagged_get_related object in blog.Post as post_list with num=3 %} {% if post_list %} {% endif %} {% endcache %}
{% if object.allow_comments %} {% include "blog/includes/comments.html" %} {% else %}

Sorry, comments are disabled for this post.

{% endif %} {% endblock %}