Dear Trojans,

Just when we thought we were done saying Happy New year, the Imlek/Chinese New Year is here :) On behalf of the AUSCI committee, we would like to wish everyone who celebrates the Rabbit New Year a most healthy and happy year ahead. For everyone else, let's share the joy in this melting pot that is AUSCI.

AUSCI just hosted a wonderful get-together with US Ambassador Marciel on 18 January, and for those that missed the event, I am pleased to share with you that AUSCI is getting ready to host a number of major programs for 2011. Some of the programs being considered are:

  • AUSCI birthday bash April 2, 2011
  • Launching the new AUSCI membership card , a visa platinum card in cooperation with BNI
  • 5 k - Walk for Charity / Bike for Charity / Golf for Charity
  • Big Reunion

The AUSCI committee will have our first meeting this year:
Wednesday, 9 February 2011, at 5:30pm
in Sudirman area.

We would like to INVITE alumni who would like to become new committee members, to join this meeting. As an organization, it is important for us to have regeneration, and we would like to invite future leaders of AUSCI to step up, and possibly herald our alumni association to greater heights. Please contact our club's admin officer Novita, for venue of the meeting.

In the meantime, our "Cerdas Bang!" library-building program ( continues, and we seem to be on track to reach our goal of 50 libraries by 2015. More than anything else, we need YOUR valuable time and participation. Let's work TOGETHER to live up to our alumni association's motto = "The Network of Excellence, for Indonesia and Beyond!"

In the mean time, we have also received some great updates from the USC Marshall, on successfully launching the 2011 MISIP internship program back in our LA campus. The program has received 36 applications from Marshall students who are very enthusiastic to begin their internship program in Indonesia.

We would welcome you and your companies (firms) to participate in MISIP as the acting company hosts for these interns. Dr. Richard Drobnick , the appointed Director of MISIP program, and/or Novita in Jakarta, can be contacted for any queries or interests you may have on MISIP (Click on MISIP down below for more details).

May our coming days be always blessed, healthy, and happy.


Fight On!


Holip Soekawan
Class of 1994

Feb 1st 2011

2011 Marshall Indonesia Summer Internship Program (MISIP)
36 Students applications are in ! we are open for companies / firms to host MISIP

Dear USC alumni,

Attached, FYI, is a photo of about 15 students who participated in an MISIP information session with me and the director of Marshall’s Undergraduate International Initiatives, Sean O’Connell.The students were very interested in learning about the MISIP opportunity in Indonesia and we openly discussed all of the usual questions about an international internship, as well as Indonesia-specific concerns about terrorism and safety. Another 10-15 students who could not attend this session, have had individual meetings with Sean.

Already, MISIP has created more positive awareness about Indonesia in Marshall than ever existed before. As of today, we have had received 36 applications Marshall undergrads to apply for the inaugural MISIP program, 36 applications ! We could select 10 to 12 highly-qualified candidates—if we have that many internship slots available.

We would like to invite USC alum's companies and firms, who are interested to host for the internship. Please feel free to contact me , for any interests , queries, you may have on MISIP and how you and your companies/ firms may participate in this.

Once again, thank you very much for your valuable cooperation. I really appreciate it.

Best regards,
Richard Drobnick

Click here for more information on MISIP

All in Marshall Family

Friendships Forged More Than 12 Years Ago Lead to the Donation of Thousands of Books and the Construction of Libraries for Indonesian Children in Communities Hit Hard by Natural Disasters.
Click here for more information

A letter from James J. Owen
President & CEO
The World is Just a Book Away Foundation

James expressed his gratitude for AUSCI support for his foundation and for Cerdas Bang program in which we succeeded building 18 libraries in 2009-2010
Click here to read the letter
Click here to view Sidoarjo video documentary


Registration batch # 2, starts now, ends Feb 16th 2011
Click here to subscribe

In This Issue
2011 Marshall Indonesia Summer Internship Program (MISIP)
All in Marshall Family
A letter from James J. Owen
One Year Free Subscription for Indonesia Tatler and Forbes, exclusively for USC alumni.
2010 Kaleidoscope
You may want to see this. Click here to download

Contact Us

Chase Plaza, Podium 7th floor
Jl. Jenderal Sudirman Kav. 21
Jakarta - 12920
Phone:(62-21)5706388 Ext. 7013