* Based on Balpil™ Test from 26.270 respondents (July 2012 - March 2016).
70% respondent: 17-30 years old
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* Based on Balpil™ Test from 26.270 respondents (July 2012 - March 2016).
70% respondent: 17-30 years old
Yayasan PIBAS was created with the following vision and mission:
Be the leading non-profit association with concrete contribution to Indonesia, by raising awareness of balanced-life importance to all walks of life in the archipelago. In the long term, measurable success at home will be replicated to other nations with similar needs.
Through our proprietary diagram-based “one-pillar-four-sides” concept, we will disseminate tools and resources that are religion-neutral, to raise Balanced Life Awareness in Each Individual = Spiritually + Intellectually + Socially + Physically, starting from Indonesia’s young generation.
For every one corporate manager that PT Balpil™ Akademi Seimbang train, we are committed to host life- balance seminar for 3 individuals from Indonesia’s young generation, through our non-profit Yayasan PIBAS. Using this formula, if PT BAS train 1,000 corporate managers in 2016, yayasan PIBAS will in turn host life- balance seminar for 3,000 young people within the next 12 months.
Maylaffayza is Indonesia's leading pop-crossover violinist. She has had a successful career in the music industry for 15 year; with her formula of classical instrument play of the violin, with a modern pop performance. Her exciting career has also taken her to perform at the World Economic Forum 2013 in Davos, Switzerland as part of the Indonesian delegation.
Aside from her music career, Maylaffayza has also completed a Masters degree in creative enterprise, and currently finishing a bachelors degree in Classical Music Performance with a major in Violin.
Maylaffayza balances her music and academic lives with a healthy lifestyle. She is a co-founder of IndoRunners, the largest independent running movement in Indonesia that continuously promote running as a new modern lifestyle. She regularly runs, cycles, does pilates, and yoga. Aside from the physical activities, she also practices self-healing and takes workshops about holistic healing and well-being. She actively promotes these activities through her social media.
A member of Indonesia's leading acappella group Jamaica Cafe since 1995. Bayu is active in efforts to maintain a green and healthy environment.
Jamaica Cafe is an honorary supporter of #WWF #worldwildlifefund Bayu is also active in sports, primarily in running, a member of #indorunners the largest running movement of #indonesia.
Aligned with our CSR (Coaching, Sharing, Replicating) activity, we have also developed training program for school children. Our first public camp was held on 19-22 June 2014. It was attended by 32 children aged 10-14 from various schools. During the 3 day program, participants were trained and assessed in all aspects of their balance profile = spiritually + intellectually + socially + physically. This activity was very well received by both the children and parents.
“Indonesia’s excellence begins with self-balance.
Our nation. Our action.”
On 22 June 2014, we invited Andy F. Noya as the keynote speaker for the final session of Balpil™ Camp at SLDC Center, Sentul.
Life Balance Seminar for 248 people, consisting of Youth Organization “Karang Taruna” and local Palmerah communities, 26 September 2014 at Puncak, Bogor.
One Day Training at Sekolah Global Mandiri (Cibubur) on 1 April 2015, with 173 participants from grade 7 and 8. The featured speaker for the event was our partner, Hanlie Muliani, M.Psi.
Penyuluhan Pentingnya Hidup Seimbang dengan topik “Pengenalan Balanced Pillar (Balpil™)” untuk mahasiswa Universitas Indonesia penerima Beasiswa Lari Untuk Amal Sosial IndoRunners (LUAS). Kegiatan ini bertujuan memperkenalkan aspek-aspek keseimbangan dalam hidup serta memberikan arahan mengenai cara memaksimalkan aspek-aspek itu dalam pencapaian tujuan.
Acara diadakan pada hari Sabtu, 08 Desember 2018, jam 09.00 s.d. 12.00 WIB di Rumpun Ilmu Kesehatan, Universitas Indonesia, Kampus Depok.