{% load number_tags %} Hello, There is a sale, {{ sale.number }} that needs your approval. The transaction's detail are as follow: {% for item in sale.items.all %} - {{ item.qty|pretty_number }} x {{ item.product }} at {{ sale.currency }} {{ item.price|pretty_number }} each {% endfor %} {% if sale_display %}{% for field_name, field in sale_display %}{% if field %} {{ field_name|capfirst }}: {{ field }} {% endif %}{% endfor %}{% endif %} {% if sale.discount != '0' %}Discount: {{ sale.discount }}{% endif %} {% if sale.tax %}Tax: {{ sale.tax }}{% endif %} auth:{{ auth_token }} Please visit this link for more details: {{ object_uri }} {# Please reply to this email for approval or rejection of the transaction. #}