{% load i18n %} {% with table.rows.page.0.data.get_absolute_url as has_url %} {# Don't show header for ajax requests having page number bigger than 1 #} {% if not request.is_ajax or table.page.number == 1 %} {% for column in table.columns %} {{ column }} {% endfor %} {# Only show quickLook column if object has get_absolute_url attribute #} {% if has_url %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {# If rows are paginated, print them out from table.rows.page #} {% if table.rows.page %} {% for row in table.rows.page %} {% for value in row %} {% if forloop.first and row.data.get_absolute_url %} {{ value }} {% else %} {{ value }} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% if has_url %} {% trans "Quick Look" %} {% endif %} {% empty %} Sorry, we couldn't find anything matching your query. {% endfor %} {% else %} {% for row in table.rows %} {% for value in row %} {% if forloop.first and row.data.get_absolute_url %} {{ value }} {% else %} {{ value }} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% if has_url %} {% trans "Quick Look" %} {% endif %} {% empty %} Sorry, we couldn't find anything matching your query. {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% endwith %}