2. Custom Plugins

You have three options to extend Django CMS: Custom plugins, plugin context processors, and plugin processors.

2.1. Writing a custom plugin

You can use python manage.py startapp to get some basefiles for your plugin, or just add a folder gallery to your project’s root folder, add an empty __init__.py, so that the module gets detected.

Suppose you have the following gallery model:

class Gallery(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=30)

class Picture(models.Model):
    gallery = models.ForeignKey(Gallery)
    image = models.ImageField(upload_to="uploads/images/")
    description = models.CharField(max_length=60)

And that you want to display this gallery between two text blocks.

You can do this with a CMS plugin. To create a CMS plugin you need two components: a CMSPlugin model and a cms_plugins.py file.

2.1.1. Plugin Model

First create a model that links to the gallery via a ForeignKey field:

from cms.models import CMSPlugin

class GalleryPlugin(CMSPlugin):
    gallery = models.ForeignKey(Gallery)

Be sure that your model inherits the CMSPlugin class. The plugin model can have any fields it wants. They are the fields that get displayed if you edit the plugin.

Now models.py looks like the following:

from django.db import models
from cms.models import CMSPlugin

class Gallery(models.Model):
    parent = models.ForeignKey('self', blank=True, null=True)
    name = models.CharField(max_length=30)

    def __unicode__(self):
        return self.name

    def get_absolute_url(self):
        return reverse('gallery_view', args=[self.pk])

    class Meta:
        verbose_name_plural = 'gallery'

class Picture(models.Model):
    gallery = models.ForeignKey(Gallery)
    image = models.ImageField(upload_to="uploads/images/")
    description = models.CharField(max_length=60)

class GalleryPlugin(CMSPlugin):
    gallery = models.ForeignKey(Gallery)


Two limitations apply when subclassing the CMSPlugin class to use with your custom plugins: the resulting subclass cannot be further subclassed, and subclasses of CMSPlugin cannot have a field called “text”. Handling Relations

If your custom plugin has foreign key or many-to-many relations you are responsible for copying those if necessary whenever the CMS copies the plugin.

To do this you can implement a method called copy_relations on your plugin model which get’s the old instance of the plugin as argument.

Lets assume this is your plugin:

class ArticlePluginModel(CMSPlugin):
    title = models.CharField(max_length=50)
    sections =  models.ManyToManyField(Section)

    def __unicode__(self):
        return self.title

Now when the plugin gets copied, you want to make sure the sections stay:

def copy_relations(self, oldinstance):
    self.sections = oldinstance.sections.all()

Your full model now:

class ArticlePluginModel(CMSPlugin):
    title = models.CharField(max_length=50)
    sections =  models.ManyToManyField(Section)

    def __unicode__(self):
        return self.title

    def copy_relations(self, oldinstance):
        self.sections = oldinstance.sections.all()

2.1.2. cms_plugins.py

After that create in the application folder (the same one where models.py is) a cms_plugins.py file.

In there write the following:

from cms.plugin_base import CMSPluginBase
from cms.plugin_pool import plugin_pool
from models import GalleryPlugin
from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _

class CMSGalleryPlugin(CMSPluginBase):
    model = GalleryPlugin
    name = _("Gallery")
    render_template = "gallery/gallery.html"

    def render(self, context, instance, placeholder):
        return context


CMSPluginBase itself inherits from ModelAdmin so you can use all the things (inlines for example) you would use in a regular admin class.

For a list of all the options you have on CMSPluginBase have a look at the plugin reference

2.1.3. Template

Now create a gallery.html template in templates/gallery/ and write the following in there:

{% for image in gallery.picture_set.all %}
    <img src="{{ image.image.url }}" alt="{{ image.description }}" />
{% endfor %}

Add a file admin.py in your plugin root-folder and insert the following:

from django.contrib import admin
from cms.admin.placeholderadmin import PlaceholderAdmin
from models import Gallery,Picture

class PictureInline(admin.StackedInline):
    model = Picture

class GalleryAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    inlines = [PictureInline]

admin.site.register(Gallery, GalleryAdmin)

Now go into the admin create a gallery and afterwards go into a page and add a gallery plugin and some pictures should appear in your page.

2.1.4. Limiting Plugins per Placeholder

You can limit in which placeholder certain plugins can appear. Add a CMS_PLACEHOLDER_CONF to your settings.py.


    'col_sidebar': {
        'plugins': ('FilePlugin', 'FlashPlugin', 'LinkPlugin', 'PicturePlugin', 'TextPlugin', 'SnippetPlugin'),
        'name': gettext("sidebar column")

    'col_left': {
        'plugins': ('FilePlugin', 'FlashPlugin', 'LinkPlugin', 'PicturePlugin', 'TextPlugin', 'SnippetPlugin','GoogleMapPlugin','CMSTextWithTitlePlugin','CMSGalleryPlugin'),
        'name': gettext("left column")

    'col_right': {
        'plugins': ('FilePlugin', 'FlashPlugin', 'LinkPlugin', 'PicturePlugin', 'TextPlugin', 'SnippetPlugin','GoogleMapPlugin',),
        'name': gettext("right column")

col_left” and “col_right” are the names of two placeholders. The plugins list are filled with Plugin class names you find in the cms_plugins.py. You can add extra context to each placeholder so plugin-templates can react to them.

You can change the displayed name in the admin with the name parameter. In combination with gettext you can translate this names according to the language of the user. Additionally you can limit the number of plugins (either total or by type) for each placeholder with the limits parameter (see Configuration for details).

2.1.5. Advanced

CMSGalleryPlugin can be even further customized:

Because CMSPluginBase extends ModelAdmin from django.contrib.admin you can use all the things you are used to with normal admin classes. You can define inlines, the form, the form template etc.

Note: If you want to overwrite the form be sure to extend from admin/cms/page/plugin_change_form.html to have an unified look across the plugins and to have the preview functionality automatically installed.

2.2. Plugin Context Processors

Plugin context processors are callables that modify all plugin’s context before rendering. They are enabled using the CMS_PLUGIN_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS setting.

A plugin context processor takes 2 arguments:


The instance of the plugin model


The instance of the placeholder this plugin appears in.

The return value should be a dictionary containing any variables to be added to the context.


# settings.py:

# yourapp.cms_plugin_context_processors.py:
def add_verbose_name(instance, placeholder):
    This plugin context processor adds the plugin model's verbose_name to context.
    return {'verbose_name': instance._meta.verbose_name}

2.3. Plugin Processors

Plugin processors are callables that modify all plugin’s output after rendering. They are enabled using the CMS_PLUGIN_PROCESSORS setting.

A plugin processor takes 4 arguments:


The instance of the plugin model


The instance of the placeholder this plugin appears in.


A string containing the rendered content of the plugin.


The original context for the template used to render the plugin.

Note that plugin processors are also applied to plugins embedded in Text. Depending on what your processor does, this might break the output. For example, if your processor wraps the output in a DIV tag, you might end up having DIVs inside of P tags, which is invalid. You can prevent such cases by returning rendered_content unchanged if instance._render_meta.text_enabled is True, which is the case when rendering an embedded plugin.

2.3.1. Example

Suppose you want to put wrap each plugin in the main placeholder in a colored box, but it would be too complicated to edit each individual plugin’s template:

In your settings.py:


In your yourapp.cms_plugin_processors.py:

def wrap_in_colored_box(instance, placeholder, rendered_content, original_context):
    This plugin processor wraps each plugin's output in a colored box if it is in the "main" placeholder.
    if placeholder.slot != 'main' \                   # Plugins not in the main placeholder should remain unchanged
        or (instance._render_meta.text_enabled   # Plugins embedded in Text should remain unchanged in order not to break output
                        and instance.parent):
            return rendered_content
        from django.template import Context, Template
        # For simplicity's sake, construct the template from a string:
        t = Template('<div style="border: 10px {{ border_color }} solid; background: {{ background_color }};">{{ content|safe }}</div>')
        # Prepare that template's context:
        c = Context({
            'content': rendered_content,
            # Some plugin models might allow you to customize the colors,
            # for others, use default colors:
            'background_color': instance.background_color if hasattr(instance, 'background_color') else 'lightyellow',
            'border_color': instance.border_color if hasattr(instance, 'border_color') else 'lightblue',
        # Finally, render the content through that template, and return the output
        return t.render(c)