==== 2.0.0 (2009-11-12) ==== ==== 2.0.1 (2009-12-13) ==== - mostly bugfixes (18 tickets closed) - docs updated - permissions now working in multisite environment - home is now graphically designated in tree-view ==== 2.0.2 (2009-12-14) ==== - testsuite working again - changelog file added ==== 2.1.0 (2010-XX-XX) ==== - language namespaces for apphooks (reverse("de:myview"), reverse("en:myview")) - video plugin switch to http://github.com/FlashJunior/OSFlashVideoPlayer - frontediting added (cms.middlware.toolbar.ToolbarMiddleware) - testsuite works now under sqlite and postgres - orphaned text embed plugins get now deleted if not referenced in the text anymore - placeholder templatetag: "theme" attribute removed in favor of "width" (backward incompatible change if theme was used) - menu is its own app now - menu modifiers (you can register menu modifiers that can change menu nodes or rearrange them) - menus are now class based. - apphooks are now class based and can bring multiple menus and urls.py with them. - menus and apphooks are auto-discovered now - example templates look a lot better now. - languages are not a dropdown anymore but fancy tabs - placeholderend templatetag added: {% placeholder "content" %}There is no content here{% endplaceholder %} - plugins can now be used in other apps :) see cms/docs/placeholders.txt - plugins can now be grouped - a lot of bugfixes - the cms now depends on the cms.middleware.media.PlaceholderMediaMiddleware middleware - templatetags refactored: see cms/docs/templatetags.txt for new signatures. - placeholder has new option: or and a endpalceholder templatetag