Allows you to upload a file. A filetype icon will be assigned based on the file extension.
For installation be sure you have the following in the INSTALLED_APPS setting in your project’s file:
# ...
# ...
Allows you to upload and display a Flash SWF file on your page.
For installation be sure you have the following in the INSTALLED_APPS setting in your project’s file:
# ...
# ...
Displays a map of an address on your page.
For installation be sure you have the following in the INSTALLED_APPS setting in your project’s file:
# ...
# ...
The Google Maps API key is also required. You can either put this in a project setting called GOOGLE_MAPS_API_KEY or be sure the template context has a variable with the same name.
Displays a link to an arbitrary URL or to a page. If a page is moved the URL will still be correct.
For installation be sure to have the following in the INSTALLED_APPS setting in your project’s file:
# ...
# ...
Displays a picture in a page.
For installation be sure you have the following in the INSTALLED_APPS setting in your project’s file:
# ...
# ...
If you want to resize the picture you can get a thumbnail library. We recommend sorl.thumbnail.
In your project template directory create a folder called cms/plugins and create a file called picture.html in there. Here is an example picture.html template:
{% load i18n thumbnail %}
{% spaceless %}
{% if picture.url %}<a href="{{ picture.url }}">{% endif %}
{% ifequal placeholder "content" %}
<img src="{% thumbnail 484x1500 upscale %}" {% if picture.alt %}alt="{{ picture.alt }}" {% endif %}/>
{% endifequal %}
{% ifequal placeholder "teaser" %}
<img src="{% thumbnail 484x1500 upscale %}" {% if picture.alt %}alt="{{ picture.alt }}" {% endif %}/>
{% endifequal %}
{% if picture.url %}</a>{% endif %}
{% endspaceless %}
In this template the picture is scaled differently based on which placeholder it was placed in.
Just renders some HTML snippet. Mostly used for development or hackery.
For installation be sure you have the following in the INSTALLED_APPS setting in your project’s file:
# ...
# ...
Displays text. If plugins are text-enabled they can be placed inside the text-flow. At this moment the following plugins are text-enabled:
The current editor is Wymeditor. If you want to use TinyMce you need to install django-tinymce. If tinymce is in your INSTALLED_APPS it will be automatically enabled. If you have tinymce installed but don’t want to use it in the cms put the following in your
For installation be sure you have the following in your project’s INSTALLED_APPS setting:
# ...
# ...
Plays Video Files or Youtube / Vimeo Videos. Uses the OSFlashVideoPlayer. If you upload a file use .flv files or h264 encoded video files.
For installation be sure you have the following in your project’s INSTALLED_APPS setting:
# ...
# ...
There are some settings you can set in your to overwrite some default behavior:
Displays the last number of post of a twitter user.
For installation be sure you have the following in your project’s INSTALLED_APPS setting:
# ...
# ...
Displays all plugins of an other page or an other language. Great if you need always the same plugins on a lot of pages.
For installation be sure you have the following in your project’s INSTALLED_APPS setting:
# ...
# ...
The inherit plugin is currently the only core-plugin which can not be used in non-cms placeholders.