{% extends 'website/base.html' %} {% load url from future %} {% load pagination_tags sanitizer %} {% block content %} {% block page_title %}

Cerita {{ author.profile }}

{% endblock %} {% block sidebar %}{% endblock %} {% autopaginate object_list 9 %}
{% with object_list.0 as post %}
{{ post.published|date:'M' }}
{{ post.published|date:'d' }}

{{ post.title }}

oleh {{ post.get_author_display }} {% with post.tags.all as tags %} {% if tags %} in {% for tag in tags %} {{ tag }}{% if not forloop.last %}, {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% endwith %} {{ post.comments.active.count }}
{% if post.photo %}
{% endif %}
{% if post.excerpt %} {{ post.excerpt|sanitize_allow:'a, b, em, i; href'|safe|truncatewords_html:70 }} {% else %} {{ post.content|sanitize_allow:'a, b, em, i; href'|safe|truncatewords_html:70 }} {% endif %}
{% endwith %}
{% block post_list %} {% if object_list|length > 1 %}
{% for post in object_list|slice:'1:' %}
{{ post.published|date:'M' }}
{{ post.published|date:'d' }}

{{ post.title }}

oleh {{ post.get_author_display }} {% with post.tags.all as tags %} {% if tags %} in {% for tag in tags %} {{ tag }}{% if not forloop.last %}, {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% endwith %} {{ post.comments.active.count }}
{% if post.excerpt %} {{ post.excerpt|sanitize_allow:'a, b, em, i; href'|safe|truncatewords_html:70 }} {% else %} {{ post.content|sanitize_allow:'a, b, em, i; href'|safe|truncatewords_html:70 }} {% endif %}
{% if forloop.counter|divisibleby:'2'%}
{% endif %} {% endfor %}
{% paginate %}
{% endif %} {% endblock %}
{% endblock %}